Read. Listen. Learn.

The Complete IT Academy Platform delivers multiple modalities for learning. including a full catalog of eBooks and audiobooks. Our student’s eBook and audiobook user experience is unparalleled for ease of use, unlimited access, continuity across devices and offline consumption. With Skillsoft’s comprehensive content including IT infrastructure, software development, web design, professional development, leadership and digital skills, the library provides the largest collection of eBooks and audiobooks of any online learning platform in the world.

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Create personalized playlists.

As the IT industry continues to evolve, Complete IT Academy has identified IT Infrastructure, Cloud, DevOps, IT Services and Secuirty as central drivers to the ongoing development of IT professionals. We provide one platform with over 23,000 multi-modal online learning resources from the industry leader- Skillsoft. Students can then select those assets that are critical to their individual professional development and add them to personalized learning playlist making access to multi-modal learning both convenient and customized.

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